Dragon Age: The Veilguard Patch 1 Now Live – N7 Day Cosmetics, Crash Fixes

A week ago, Dragon Age: The Veilguard launched. And now, on “N7 Day” (So named and dated after the elite organization in BioWare’s Mass Effect series), BioWare has released the first Patch for the game.

Primarily, this first Patch is focused on improving stability. While Dragon Age: The Veilguard was one of the smoothest launches among recent AAA games, with even detractors admitting the game was well optimized and stable, there were still a number of bugs and crashes needing to be patched. With this patch, many of those have been dealt with, making The Veilguard one of the more stable large releases in some time. As well, a number of quality-of-life changes have been made, making the game that much easier to use and customize.

In addition, if you hop onto the game today, you can claim the “N7 Day” unique cosmetic items. These N7/Mass-Effect-themed cosmetic items are all lore-friendly to Dragon Age, and you can find them by opening the chest that will have appeared next to the Caretaker in the lighthouse (and you can equip them at your wardrobe). These include the “Spectre of Battles Past” and “Paragon of Leadership” armor cosmetics (Get it?), as well as the “Command Helmet.”

dragon age the veilguard patch 1 n7 cosmetic items
Where to find the N7 Day cosmetics

Being cosmetic items, these N7 Day costumes have no mechanical effect, but don’t you want to harken back to another savior of the universe?

Regardless, that’s enough discussion. Let’s take a look at the Patch Notes for Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Patch 1 notes! Do be aware that there is the potential for minor spoilers in the notes themselves.

  • Rook can find a new N7 day appearance in the Lighthouse. This is a cosmetic only armor.
  • Fixed an issue where DLSS options could end up “grayed-out” on a 40-series Nvidia GPU.
  • Eliminated the cause of a small number of crashes.
  • Updated XeSS version to 1.3.1.
  • Fixed an issue where some customizations were not applied to the Inquisitor correctly in one of the ending scenes.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Companion Skill Points to reset.
  • Adjusted Companion Approval notifications so they remain on-screen longer as scenes end.
  • Harding now has arrows in her quiver and is ready for battle.
  • Global banter should no longer start too early.
  • Harding and Taash banter no longer repeats indefinitely.
  • Fixed potential issues that could occur if a player fast traveled during a quest.
  • Changing your party members on the way to certain quests no longer breaks the camera for in-world missions.
  • Updated a number of assets to improve visual performance over long distances.
  • Fixed several distance “pop-ins” on level art assets.
  • Added collision to several assets that were missing it.
  • Fixed a minor texture issue with codex art.
  • Added haptics to a number of interactions and events.
  • Fixed lip sync in some ambient scenes.
  • Adjusted audio balance on several assets.
  • Changing equipment no longer disables helmet voice processing.
  • Fixed several objective markers that were spawning improperly.
  • Cleaned up certain interactions between Skills that caused them to not behave as described.
  • Apparitions generated by Iron Veil will now attack Razikale.
  • Entropic Spheres now behave properly on vertical surfaces.
  • Fixed a bug where Taunt would sometimes be cleared early, which caused enemies to ignore it.
  • Fixed a rare issue where Rogues would not hold their bow while aiming down sights.
  • Made the detailed-stats screen more readable.
  • Balance changes made to certain fights to match design intent.
  • Balance adjustments made to several player skills.
  • Fixed leashing exploits on major encounters.
  • The Rage Demon’s Ring of Fire should now be appropriately dodgeable in all situations.
  • Slowed down the speedy raven in Hossberg.
  • Adjusted creepy corpse movement while they moved on/off-camera.
  • The Dalish elf in the Unwanted Guests quest is now an actual elf.
  • Fixed a rare blocking issue in the Sea of Blood quest.
  • Halla should no longer float during the In Entropy’s Grasp quest.
  • Fixed a blocking issue in the Pinnacle of Its Kind quest.
  • Adjusted timing on epilogue text cards.
  • NPC necks no longer grow unexpectedly.
  • Corrected instances where NPCs would not properly look at each other or at Rook.
  • Long hair should now properly mesh with certain armor.
  • Fixed several issues with makeup in character creation.
  • Venatori crystal VFX should now disappear properly.
  • Added scroll wheel support to the sell screen.
  • Opening the journal while on the map no longer causes it to continue scrolling.
  • The Faction Achievements will now be gained properly upon reaching max Faction Strength instead of the Faction Cap.

And there you have it! One week after the game’s launch, and on N7 day, we have the first patch for Dragon Age: The Veilguard. For some reason, it’s making me want to try out the Reaper specialization of the Warrior class…

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Graves is an avid writer, web designer, and gamer, with more ideas than he could hope to achieve in a lifetime. But, armed with a mug of coffee and an overactive imagination, he'll try. When he isn't working on a creative project, he is painting miniatures, reading cheesy sci-fi novels, or making music.

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