The Lighthouse – Dragon Age: The Veilguard

The Lighthouse acts as your central hub in Drage Age: The Veilguard. It’s where your party will gather in between missions, and a central point to all the various locations you can travel to. As this is located in the Fade, The Lighthouse is constantly changing and evolving, forming itself to meet the needs of you and your Companions. This also means there is plenty to do in here besides sit around and plan your next move.

In this guide, we will go over all of the things you can do within The Lighthouse!

While the Lighthouse is your central location to travel to other locations of the world, there are several other things you can do while you’re there:

  • Find and talk to your Companions
  • Add decor items to your room, as well as rooms of your Companions
  • Transmog for armor, and change your appearance
  • Level up current gear, as well as all gear in the world
  • Solve Lighthouse puzzles

Once you have recruited a Companion, a new section of the Lighthouse will open up just for them. In most cases, they will be in their own room, occasionally having conversations or quests for you to deepen your bond. However, they will occasionally wander around to other areas of your base, sometimes even going into another Companion’s room.

dragon age the veilguard companion map
A map of The Lighthouse showing where every Companion’s room is

You can add decor items to your room in the Lighthouse— these items are found throughout the world or can be bought at Merchants. To place them, there will be several spots in your room that you can interact with. Once you do, you can choose one of your decor items to place there.

dragon age the veilguard room decoration

Additionally, you can do some decorating for your Companions‘ rooms too. There are specific Gift Items that you can get from Merchants, marked with the portrait of the character — just bring the item over to the specific Companion it’s for. Once you hand it to them, they’ll immediately place it in their room and thank you for the gift.

If you want to change your character’s appearance, you can easily do it at the Mirror of Transformation in Varric’s room! If you interact with it, it will bring up the character creation screen you had back when you first made your Rook, allowing you to change them any way you wish.

On top of this, you can change the appearance of your equipment in your Wardrobe. There are several appearances you can unlock for your armor and weapons either by finding them in your adventures, or they can be bought in vendors. It’s worth noting that you cannot change the color of your equipment — however, the Faction Merchants will sell some of the same equipment in different colors, so that will offer you a little variation on your armor choices. Note that you can use this Wardrobe to change the appearance of your Companions’ gear as well.

Someone else who hangs out in the Lighthouse is The Caretaker. He is a special type of vendor that can upgrade your equipment, as well as enhance your abilities.

  • Leveling up your gear here will increase all of its main stats — it will have no effect on the passive effects, however.
  • If you bring the Caretaker Mementos that you find in the world, it will allow you to level up your equipment further.
  • Leveling up your gear will also have the effect of increasing the base level of all the gear you find in the world so that you don’t find any lower-level gear.
  • Once you reach the quest “Completing the Veilguard”, another way the Caretaker can help you out is by Enchanting your gear and abilities. This will give your abilities extra effects, making them more effective and giving you more customization options.
    • Every ability and piece of gear can only have one Enchantment and can be changed as many times as you want.
    • You cannot equip the same Enchantment on multiple abilities or pieces of gear.

If you want a little distraction from your current quest, there is a puzzle you can solve within the Lighthouse! We have a dedicated All Lighthouse Puzzles Guide with a more thorough step-by-step, but we will also offer you a quick summary below.

It starts as a fairly simple puzzle that involves turning statues to face each other to unlock a new room within the Lighthouse. You will find 2 of them above the door leading to the courtyard (go up one of the staircases flanking it). Then 2 more will be on the left side of the larger courtyard area and 2 more on the right — check areas behind the buildings.

dragon age the veilguard statue puzzle
You can begin the puzzle behind Bellara’s room

Head back inside the main building and check one of the round stone doors: one will get unlocked and lead you inside the Music Room. (Remember to loot it!)

This second part will require you to progress through Chapter 8, “Shades of the Blight” (after you recruit Taash and Emmrich).

Head inside the previously unlocked music room. Note another circular door on the left side — it will require two Wisps. One is right by the piano, the other will be “between the facing gods”, up the stairs above the entrance door to the courtyard, where the two statues from the first puzzle were next to each other.

Head through the portal right away for Part 3.

Head through the portal and further into the balcony, interact with the blue crystal object. (Remember to loot items near it.) Restoring the Astrolabe will get you a permanent discount on Workshop Upgrades.

Once you begin the quest After the Storm, you can go through the portal in the music room, and now there will be another Wisp door in front of you. Bring the Wisp from the indoor balcony to the new door, then head outside and activate the beam mechanism. Point the beam at the top of each tower once. Head back into the library (you can hop off of the indoor balcony) and inside the room opposite from the Music Room to collect the final loot.

The Lighthouse is an evolving base that will change to suit you and your party’s needs. Be sure to take a look around occasionally and make it feel more like home!

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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