Abilities & Ultimates – Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Abilities in Dragon Age: The Veilguard are some of the most powerful tools at your disposal when it comes to making your way through Dragon Age: The Veilguard. But, with both you and your Companions having access to dozens of them — each with their own stats and combinations — it can be a bit overwhelming to try to figure them out.

That’s where this guide comes in, to help walk you through Abilities and Ultimates in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. This guide will help explain lots about Abilities, like how to use them, what Primers and Detonators are, and what Ultimate are. In addition, this guide provides a full list of all of Rook’s Abilities, as well as those of every one of your Companions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Abilities are the bread and butter of you and your Companions‘ arsenals in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. All Abilities, including Ultimates, are special moves that inflict the most devastating attacks against your enemies, or which give you a tactical advantage.

At any given time, you and each of the two Companions you can have 3 of your unlocked Abilities — which are unlocked via your Skill Trees — equipped at any time. These abilities can then be activated during combat by opening your Abilities Menu, and then activating your abilities (on the bottom) and/or your Companions’ abilities (to the left and right sides). At any one time, you can activate one Ability for each character.

dragon age the veilguard combat guide ability wheel 1

You can also activate your Ultimate Ability whenever it is ready without entering the Ability Screen by following the prompt at the bottom of the Screen. These Ultimates are extremely powerful moves that absolutely devastate enemies with high damage and good control.

All Abilities either have a Cooldown, or a Cost associated with them. After using an Ability with a Cooldown, you will need to wait until the Cooldown time elapses before being able to cast the Ability again. Companion Abilities always have a Cooldown.

On the other hand, Abilities with a Cost can be used at any time, so long as you have enough of the appropriate Class resource. Each Class has their own resource, which builds as you do maneuvers related to your Class, and which can be improved by various Skills on the Class’s tree. The Class resources are as follows:

  • Warriors use dragon age the veilguard warrior rage Rage, which builds as you hit enemies and are hit by them.
  • Rogues use dragon age the veilguard rogue momentum Momentum, which builds as you dodge, parry, and attack.
  • Mages use dragon age the veilguard mage mana Mana, which regenerates over time.

Lastly, it is worth noting that all Abilities can be upgraded in the Skill Tree by selecting Ability Upgrades. Rather than enhancing singular abilities, Ability Upgrades improve any Abilities with the associated “Type” Tag. Since every ability has 2 Type Tags, each has quite a lot of potential for improvement, even after it is acquired. The tags are as follows:

  • Control: Abilities which debilitate targets, interrupting them.
  • Area: Abilities with an Area of Effect
  • Strike: Abilities that strike individual targets.
  • Projectile: Abilities that fire one or more ranged projectiles.
  • Duration: Abilities that last for an amount of time.
  • Smash (Warrior Only): Abilities that deal heavy stagger damage to enemies, often knocking them down.
  • Blast (Mage Only): Abilities that detonate where they hit, dealing damage to surrounding enemies.
  • Tool (Rogue Only): Abilities that create a fixed object on the battlefield.

Primer & Detonator Abilities

Certain Abilities — called “Primers” — can inflict Status Effects onto your enemies, while others — called “Detonators” can “Detonate” those Status Effects for massive AoE damage.

You can see Primers at a glance when you open your Ability Wheel, as they will be outlined with green and have a label demonstrating a “Combo Opportunity.” Once you have selected the Primer, or if you are highlighting any enemy that already has a Status Effect that can be Detonated, then the Detonator will be similarly highlighted, with the note that it “Combos With [Status Effect].”

Once you activate a Detonator Ability on an enemy with the correct Status Effect, they will get hit with the attack and then explode, dealing AoE Damage and Stagger to themselves and any enemies nearby.

Each Class and Character specializes in Abilities that Prime and Detonate different Status Effects (though always Sundered, Weakened, and Overwhelmed), making for potent combos between your Rook and your Companions.

Each Class has two Abilities that apply one Status Effect, another Ability that applies another Status Effect, and two Abilities that Detonate another Status Effect:

  • Warriors
    • Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelm Overwhelm with Grappling Spear and Titan Stomp
    • Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered with Bloody Advance
    • Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened with Driving Kick, Groundbreaker, and all 3 Specialization Abilities
  • Mages
    • Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened with Corrupted Ground and Ice Blast
    • Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelm Overwhelm with Storm Surge
    • Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered with Dark Squall, Meteor, and all 3 Specialization Abilities
  • Rogues
    • Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered with Explosive Daggers and Toxic Dash
    • Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened with Reeling Bolt
    • Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelm Overwhelm with Pilfer, Explosive Trap, and Strom’s Path

The above abilities can be combined with your companions, who each have one Ability that can apply a Status Effect, and another Ability which can detonate a different Status Effect:

  • Bellara
    • Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened with Enfeebling Shot
    • Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered with Fade Bolts
  • Davrin
    • Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelm Overwhelm with Heroic Strike
    • Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened with Death From Above
  • Emmrich
    • Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened with Entangling Spirits
    • Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered with Final Rites
  • Harding
    • Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered with Shred
    • Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelm Overwhelm with Heavy Draw
  • Lucanis
    • Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered with Debilitate
    • Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelm Overwhelm with Eviscerate
  • Neve
    • Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened with Glacial Pace
    • Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered with Icebreaker
  • Taash
    • Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelm Overwhelm with Spitfire
    • Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened with Dragonfire Strike

The Warrior Class has 13 Abilities available in total, with 3 of those belonging to Specializations (and therefor being mutually exclusive with the others). The Warrior uses Rage — which builds by landing hits on enemies or getting hit yourself (even if you block) — as a Cost for certain abilities.

Ability Name
Cost / Cooldown
Primer / Detonator
Driving Kick
Smash, Control
dragon age the veilguard damage type physicalPhysical
dragon age the veilguard warrior rage
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened
Titan Stomp
Area, Control
dragon age the veilguard damage type physicalPhysical
60 Seconds
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelm Overwhelm
Strike, Control
dragon age the veilguard damage type fire Fire
dragon age the veilguard warrior rage dragon age the veilguard warrior rage
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened
Bloody Advance
Projectile, Duration
dragon age the veilguard damage type necrotic Necrotic
dragon age the veilguard warrior rage
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered
Spectral Bulwark
Smash, Duration
dragon age the veilguard damage type necrotic Necrotic
60 Seconds
Deadly Ground
Area, Duration
dragon age the veilguard damage type necrotic Necrotic
dragon age the veilguard warrior rage
Area, Smash
dragon age the veilguard damage type physicalPhysical
dragon age the veilguard warrior rage dragon age the veilguard warrior rage
Fury of the Forge
Strike, Projectile
dragon age the veilguard damage type fire Fire
dragon age the veilguard warrior rage
Cleaving Strike
Area, Strike
dragon age the veilguard damage type physicalPhysical
dragon age the veilguard warrior rage dragon age the veilguard warrior rage
Grappling Spear
Projectile, Control
dragon age the veilguard damage type fire Fire
60 Seconds
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelm Overwhelm
Blight Bane*
Area, Projectile
dragon age the veilguard damage type fire Fire
dragon age the veilguard warrior rage dragon age the veilguard warrior rage
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened
Strike, Duration
dragon age the veilguard damage type necrotic Necrotic
dragon age the veilguard warrior rage dragon age the veilguard warrior rage
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened
Heroic Leap*
Strike, Smash
dragon age the veilguard damage type physicalPhysical
dragon age the veilguard warrior rage
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened
* = Available only within Specialization

In addition to regular Abilities, the Warrior also has access to 4 Ultimate Abilities. One of these Ultimates is available in the Warrior Core, as soon as you make the character, but the other 3 are in each of your Specializations.

Ultimate Name
Flashing Fists
Warrior Core
dragon age the veilguard damage type physicalPhysical
Warden’s Fire
Champion Specialization
dragon age the veilguard damage type fire Fire
Spirit Storm
Reaper Specialization
dragon age the veilguard damage type necrotic Necrotic
For Gold and Glory
Slayer Specialization
dragon age the veilguard damage type physicalPhysical

The Rogue Class has 13 Abilities available in total, with 3 of those belonging to Specializations (and therefor being mutually exclusive with the others). The Rogue uses Momentum — which builds by dodging, parrying, and landing hits on enemies — as a Cost for certain abilities.

Ability Name
Cost / Cooldown
Primer / Detonator
Static Strikes
Strike, Duration
dragon age the veilguard damage type electricityElectricity
dragon age the veilguard rogue momentum
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened
Control, Tool
dragon age the veilguard damage type physicalPhysical
60 Seconds
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelmOverwhelm
Lightning Flask
Duration, Control
dragon age the veilguard damage type electricityElectricity
dragon age the veilguard rogue momentum
Explosive Trap
Area, Tool
dragon age the veilguard damage type physicalPhysical
20 Seconds
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelmOverwhelm
Rain of Decay
Area, Control
dragon age the veilguard damage type necrotic Necrotic
dragon age the veilguard rogue momentum
Reeling Bolt
Projectile, Tool
dragon age the veilguard damage type electricityElectricity
60 Seconds
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened
Lightning Quiver
Projectile, Control
dragon age the veilguard damage type electricityElectricity
dragon age the veilguard rogue momentum
Hurricane of Blades
Area, Strike
dragon age the veilguard damage type necrotic Necrotic
dragon age the veilguard rogue momentum
Explosive Daggers
Projectile, Duration
dragon age the veilguard damage type physicalPhysical
dragon age the veilguard rogue momentum
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered
Toxic Dash
Strike, Projectile
dragon age the veilguard damage type necrotic Necrotic
dragon age the veilguard rogue momentum
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered
A Thousand Cuts*
Strike, Control
dragon age the veilguard damage type necrotic Necrotic
dragon age the veilguard rogue momentum dragon age the veilguard rogue momentum
Fortune’s Turret*
Duration, Tool
dragon age the veilguard damage type physicalPhysical
60 Seconds
Storm’s Path*
Area, Projectile
dragon age the veilguard damage type electricityElectricity
dragon age the veilguard rogue momentum
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelmOverwhelm
* = Available only within Specialization

In addition to regular Abilities, the Rogue also has access to 4 Ultimate Abilities. One of these Ultimates is available in the Rogue Core, as soon as you make the character, but the other 3 are in each of your Specializations.

Ultimate Name
Concussive Barrage
Rogue Core
dragon age the veilguard damage type physicalPhysical
Murder of Crows
Duelist Specialization
dragon age the veilguard damage type necrotic Necrotic
Fortune’s Fury
Saboteur Specialization
dragon age the veilguard damage type physicalPhysical
Twin Gifts of Arlathan
Veil Ranger Specialization
dragon age the veilguard damage type electricity Electricity

The Mage Class has 13 Abilities available in total, with 3 of those belonging to Specializations (and therefor being mutually exclusive with the others). The Mage uses Mana — which regenerates naturally over time — as a Cost for certain abilities.

Ability Name
Cost / Cooldown
Primer / Detonator
Arcane Shot
Projectile, Blast
dragon age the veilguard damage type fire Fire
dragon age the veilguard mage mana dragon age the veilguard mage mana
Frost Nova
Area, Control
dragon age the veilguard damage type cold Cold
60 Seconds
Ice Blast
Control, Blast
dragon age the veilguard damage type cold Cold
dragon age the veilguard mage mana dragon age the veilguard mage mana
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened
Dark Squall
Projectile, Control
dragon age the veilguard damage type cold Cold
60 Seconds
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered
Chain Lightning
Strike, Projectile
dragon age the veilguard damage type electricity Electricity
dragon age the veilguard mage mana dragon age the veilguard mage mana
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelm Overwhelm
Strike, Duration
dragon age the veilguard damage type electricity Electricity
dragon age the veilguard mage mana dragon age the veilguard mage mana
Storm Surge
Area, Strike
dragon age the veilguard damage type electricity Electricity
dragon age the veilguard mage mana dragon age the veilguard mage mana
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelm Overwhelm
Wall of Fire
Duration, Control
dragon age the veilguard damage type fire Fire
60 Seconds
Area, Blast
dragon age the veilguard damage type fire Fire
dragon age the veilguard mage mana dragon age the veilguard mage mana
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered
Corrupted Ground
Area, Duration
dragon age the veilguard damage type necrotic Necrotic
dragon age the veilguard mage mana dragon age the veilguard mage mana
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened
Spirit Bomb*
Duration, Blast
dragon age the veilguard damage type necrotic Necrotic
dragon age the veilguard mage mana dragon age the veilguard mage mana
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered
Entropic Sphere*
Area, Projecile
dragon age the veilguard damage type cold Cold
dragon age the veilguard mage mana dragon age the veilguard mage mana
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered
Void Blade*
Strike, Blast
dragon age the veilguard damage type electricity Electricity
dragon age the veilguard mage mana dragon age the veilguard mage mana
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered
* = Available only within Specialization

In addition to regular Abilities, the Mage also has access to 4 Ultimate Abilities. One of these Ultimates is available in the Mage Core, as soon as you make the character, but the other 3 are in each of your Specializations.

Ultimate Name
Destructive Light
Mage Core
dragon age the veilguard damage type fire Fire
The Crypt’s Herald
Death Caller Specialization
dragon age the veilguard damage type necrotic Necrotic
Vortex of Shadow
Evoker Specialization
dragon age the veilguard damage type cold Cold
Thunderous End
Spellblade Specialization
dragon age the veilguard damage type electricity Electricity

You aren’t the only one with Abilities, of course. Each of your Companions has a selection of 5 Abilities as well, of which they can equip 3 at any given time. Some of these Abilities are Primers or Detonators, providing combo opportunities with Rook and their other Companion.

Bellara is a Mage who is part of the Veil Jumper Faction.

Ability Name
Applies / Detonates
Fade Bolts
Electricity Damage
48 Seconds
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered
36 Seconds
Galvanized Tear
Electricity Damage
36 Seconds
Time Slow
48 Seconds
Enfeebling Shot
Electricity Damage
36 Seconds
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened

Davrin is a Warrior who is a part of the Grey Wardens Faction.

Ability Name
Applies / Detonates
Assan Strike
Fire Damage
24 Seconds
Battle Cry
36 Seconds
Death From Above
Fire Damage
48 Seconds
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened
In War, Victory
36 Seconds
Heroic Strike
Fire Damage
36 Seconds
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelm Overwhelm

Emmrich is a Mage who is a part of the Mourn Watch Faction.

Ability Name
Applies / Detonates
Final Rites
Necrotic Damage
38 Seconds
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered
28 Seconds
The Bell tolls
Necrotic Damage
36 Seconds
Time Slow
48 Seconds
Entangling Spear
Necrotic Damage
36 Seconds
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened

Harding is a Rogue who is a part of the Inquisition Faction.

Ability Name
Applies / Detonates
Seismic Shot
Physical Damage
24 Seconds
Adrenaline Rush
24 Seconds
Heavy Draw
28 Seconds
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelm Overwhelm
Soothing Potion
38 Seconds
36 Seconds
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered

Lucanis is a Rogue who is a part of the Antivan Crows Faction.

Ability Name
Applies / Detonates
Necrotic Damage
24 Seconds
Adrenaline Rush
24 Seconds
Necrotic Damage
40 Seconds
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelm Overwhelm
Soothing Potion
48 Seconds
Necrotic Damage
30 Seconds
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered

Neve is a Mage who is a part of the Shadow Dragons Faction.

Ability Name
Applies / Detonates
Cold Damage
40 Seconds
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect sundered Sundered
36 Seconds
Cold Damage
36 Seconds
Time Slow
48 Seconds
Glacial Pace
Cold Damage
30 Seconds
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened

Taash is a Warrior who is a part of the Lords of Fortune Faction.

Ability Name
Applies / Detonates
Fire Breath
Fire Damage
36 Seconds
Dragon’s Roar
28 Seconds
Dragonfire Strike
Fire Damage
48 Seconds
Detonates dragon age the veilguard status effect weakenedWeakened
Fortune’s Favor
36 Seconds
Fire Damage
28 Seconds
Applies dragon age the veilguard status effect overwhelm Overwhelm

In addition to Abilities that come from Rook and their Companions’ Skill Trees, some Abilities also come from gear. Weapons, Armor, and Runes can all have active Abilities and Passives that can add additional functionality or improve your moveset, in addition to dealing Status Effects that can combo with your Detonators. You can see more about the kinds of effects that you can gain from gear on our Gear Guide, when it is ready.

With that, you know everything you need to know about Abilities in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. With your Abilities in check, you are sure to make a lethal team of fighters, ready to bring the fight to your enemies with powerful special moves that synergize with each other. But if you are looking to get that extra edge up and come prepared with a powerful loadout that will help you even more, check out our Builds page.

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Graves is an avid writer, web designer, and gamer, with more ideas than he could hope to achieve in a lifetime. But, armed with a mug of coffee and an overactive imagination, he'll try. When he isn't working on a creative project, he is painting miniatures, reading cheesy sci-fi novels, or making music.

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