Emmrich Volkarin

: Mage
Faction: The Mourn Watch
Abilities: Final Rites, Replenish, The Bell Tolls, Time Slow, Entangling Spirits
Applies: Weakened
Detonates: Sundered

Necromancer scholar that takes the task of protecting innocents from the occult seriously.

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How to Get Emmrich as a Companion

After starting the quest Where the Dead Must Go, you will meet Emmrich shortly after arriving at the Necropolis Halls. After talking to him for a bit, he will join the party.


  • Final Rites
    • Unique to Emmrich
    • Damage Type: Necrotic
    • Cooldown: 38s
    • Detonates: Sundered
    • Description: Emmrich summons an envoy of the dead who explodes in a blast of necrotic energy. Deals damage to the target and all enemies within 4 meters of it.

  • Replenish
    • Healing
    • Cooldown: 36s
    • Description: A wise Mour Watcher prepares for all manner of danger; no one should pass before their time. Emmrich casts a healing spell, ready to instantly restore your health.

  • The Bell Tolls
    • Unique to Emmrich
    • Damage Type: Necrotic
    • Cooldown: 36s
    • Description: Emmrich casts a death curse that, after a short delay, causes an enemy to explode with necrotic energy. Applies Quietus to targets, dealing increased damage.

  • Time Slow
    • Damage: None
    • Cooldown: 48s
    • Description: A tricky technique that grips the essence of any creature living or dead, causing time to slow to a crawl. While active, enemies and companions move more slowly, while you continue moving and attacking at normal speed.

  • Entangling Spirits
    • Unique to Emmrich
    • Damage Type: Necrotic
    • Cooldown: 36s
    • Applies: Weakened
    • Description: Emmrich summons spirits to entangle and hinder your enemies. Deals high Stagger.
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Mila Grish
Mila Grish

Dedicated contributor at EIP Gaming and a part-time collector of books she will never have time to actually read. Jumps on the newest releases just as quickly as on the uncovered dusty collections from the basement. For her, shiny graphics can never be an excuse to not have a polished player experience or an immersive story.

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