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A Gamers’ Bachelor Party? Can It Be Done?

Gaming and a bachelor party are two things that necessarily go hand-in-hand, but when your buddy is getting married, and they’re not into sports, but PC gaming, it may be difficult to plan a bachelor party. But what can you…

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Bioware Reportedly Rebooting Anthem

To say BioWare’s multiplayer online shooter Anthem had a bit of a rocky start would be quite an understatement. Mostly because the game never really got all that better; especially with continued technical and development issues from day one. One would think…

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Overwatch: The Official Cookbook Review

Titan Books has published a hardback book titled Overwatch: The Official Cookbook available from numerous online retailers and high street book stores. Does Overwatch: The Official Cookbook deliver what it sets out to by producing a detailed official cookbook to…

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Railroad Corporation Review

Railroad Corporation is the game developed by Corbie Games and published by Iceberg Interactive. The game, as the title would suggest, is about running a railroad company. Railroad Corporation has several game modes, such as the campaign, sandbox, and multiplayer. They…


CHIKARA: Action Arcade Wrestling PC Review

Get back into retro gaming in CHIKARA: Action Arcade Wrestling. In this indie retro game, you’ll go head to head in a One vs. One with a friend, all the way to a five vs. five matchup where all ten…