


ONRUSH is an arcade combat racer available from retail stores and for download from the PlayStation Store for the PS4. ONRUSH is developed by the team formerly known as Evolution Studios; a team with a real pedigree for developing racing…

Sims 4 Seasons header

The Sims 4 Seasons Is Coming June 22nd

Yep, it’s that time again ladies and gentlemen. The Sims 4 is bringing out a brand new game pack and this time its all about the weather! The Sims 4 Seasons, I imagine, will be like how we had seasons…

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Laser League PS4 Review

Laser League is a futuristic sport available for download from the PlayStation Store for PS4. Laser League is developed by Roll7 that previously released skateboarding indie OlliOlli on PS Vita in January 2014 to much critical acclaim and winning GameSpot’s…

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Noahmund JRPG Coming to Steam Q3 2018

Noahmund a new JRPG from Spain’s Estudio Àbrego, is soon to be arriving on the shores of the UK. Inspired by Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy Tactics, Noahmund’s painterly visuals, node-based exploration system, and atmospheric soundtrack are sure to impress…

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The Office Quest PC Steam Review

Hot off the back of the release of the Steam version of The Office Quest developed by 11Sheep, we jump in and see just what this point and click puzzle game has to offer. The story is one that many…

Battlefield V Header Image

EA Announces Battlefield V Launching on Oct 19

On Wed 23rd May, DICE, an Electronic Arts Inc. studio, officially announced Battlefield™ V , immersing players in unexpected battles and untold stories of World War 2 as never seen before. Featuring a fresh portrayal of one of mankind’s biggest…

Life is Strange Before the Storm Episode 1 17

Life is Strange: Before the Storm PS4 Review

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a third-person episodic adventure available from retail stores and for download from the PlayStation Store for the PS4. The episodic narrative of Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a prequel developed by…