
hyperparasite switch hero

HyperParasite PC Review

HyperParasite is a top-down point and shootem up indie game developed by Troglobytes Games. While Troglobytes Games may be new to the party, they bring us a great looking top-down shooter that strives to deliver the gamer an exciting arcade-style…


Final Fantasy XIV Surpasses 16 Million Players

Final Fantasy XIV keeps going from strength to strength. In fact, SquareEnix have announced that the game now has around 16 million players. For a frame of reference, that’s roughly the same number of people who live in Cambodia. It’s…


Space Ops VR PC Review

Experience the future of space warfare in Space Ops VR. A first-person space shooter developed by DevCubeStudio. Being their first game release, DevCubeStudio touches on a VR category that we see more of recently. While first-person shooters may be a…

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Vambrace: Cold Soul Released With New Trailer

Good news for anyone who has yet to pick up their copy of the strategy roguelike adventure RPG, Vambrace: Cold Soul. The freshly released icy RPG developed by Devespresso Games is now available with 10% off its standard price of…

sony and microsoft are both having massive video game sales for the biggest gaming event of the year.png 2

Microsoft and Sony Join Hands

Microsoft and Sony, the two blue and green tech giants are coming to a partnership. The two companies plan on sharing technology and information going forward and build upon shared infrastructures for some of their future projects. The names Xbox…

Boxing Champs Header Image

Boxing Champs Launches 30th May

I haven’t played many Boxing games recently. I think my last was Punch Out on the NES in the late eighties. So it was quite a nod to my nostalgia to be told about Boxing Champs, a top-down arcade-style Boxing…