
Vr 1

Will VR Gaming Achieve Mainstream Success?

There has been a lot of buzz about VR recently. Its been a long time coming but at last, consumers can get their hands on their very own virtual reality headsets. But will it be a commercial success? There’s no…

8 Days Indie Shout Out Header

8Days Dual Shooter Indie Shout Out

Imagine that every war and negative event in human history has been orchestrated by a secret group called the Masters of Mankind, all to keep their interests safe and the world under control. Everything from The Crusades to the Financial…

Planet Explorers Header Image

Planet Explorers Steam Preview

With the disappointment many players felt after playing No Man’s Sky, it makes sense that many people are looking for alternatives. They’re looking for games that will provide the open-ended sandbox gameplay of space exploration while maintaining player interest and…

Drunk on Nectar Preview Header

Drunk on Nectar Life Simulation Preview

Have you ever wanted to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee? I’m talking literally here, not just being light on your feet with a good right hook. Have you wanted to experience what it’s like to be…


Games I love to Annually Revisit

With the recent trailers for Mass Effect Andromeda and Red Dead Redemption 2. I found myself nostalgic for these games and went back to play them. There are not many games I find myself going back to play due to…

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The Darkness A Hidden Gem

When I entered console gaming, I was late to the show. Having an original secondhand Xbox, I managed to play Halo 2 without having any idea what it was. Later, I picked up an Xbox 360 around a year after…


Celebrating Some of the Best Stories in Gaming

Games can tell great stories. And I want to celebrate that. I’ve put together a list of, not the best, but the most interesting and unique stories that video gaming has to offer. There are obviously some absolute classics missing,…

Empyrion Galactic Survival Review

Nowadays, it seems that there are so many survival games, you never know which ones to choose. Fancy surviving a plane crash, or being stranded on an island? Perhaps you want to try your hand at some underwater survival? Or…