Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.
elder scrolls online art

Elder Scrolls Online Art For Sale

Recently, the Bethesda Merchandise Store began taking orders for three limited edition Elder Scrolls Online lithographs. As of today, the high quality artwork is still available for sale here, though it should be noted that the specially discounted “3 pack”…

elder scrolls soundtrack

Vote Now For The Elder Scrolls Soundtrack!

Every year, Classic FM holds a vote allowing the public to select the most popular classical music. The top 300 works are listed in the Classic FM Hall of Fame. In 2012, The Elder Scrolls soundtrack (composed by Jeremy Soule)…

be a dwarf in skyrim

Be A Dwarf In Skyrim

Dwarves have been a staple in fantasy fare since the days of Grimm’s fairy tales and Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. I can remember many a fine Saturday afternoon playing Dungeons and Dragons with my crew and…

ESO beta invitation

Latest ESO Beta Invitation

Just a heads up for all you gamers who signed up to be a part of The Elder Scrolls Online beta test. According to the official Elder Scrolls Online website, a new ESO beta invitation was emailed to chosen participants…


Skywind: Recreating The World Of Morrowind

What if you could take Morrowind, one of the most beloved games in the Elder Scrolls series, and make it look and play like Skyrim? Replace the now dated graphics from 2002 and expand the world into a rich, detailed…

Best Skyrim Mage House

Best Skyrim Mage House

Having the ability to own a house in Skyrim is one of the features that helps make the game an immersive role playing experience. When Skyrim was first released, players could only purchase existing houses in some of the province’s…

Elder Scrolls Year In Review

Elder Scrolls Year In Review 2013

If you’re a Skyrim and Elder Scrolls fan, 2013 was an exciting year to be a gamer. A lot of great things happened, including awesome new developments for the Elder Scrolls Online, as well as some great Skyrim video game…

increase your skyrim archery skill

Increase Your Skyrim Archery Skill

Increasing your archery skill is a surefire way to create a powerful character in Skyrim. High level archers deal a devastating amount of damage in the game. Whether you want to become an expert huntsman, or a master thief or…