Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.
elder scrolls online horse featured

Elder Scrolls Online Horse Guide

The Elder Scrolls Online horse is a dependable, loyal animal sworn to carry your burdens. One of the things that I enjoy in The Elder Scrolls Online is overland adventuring. There’s something to be said about foregoing fast travel altogether…

Skyrim Easter Eggs In ESO Featured

Bazinga! Skyrim Easter Eggs In ESO

Yes Virginia, there are Skyrim Easter Eggs in ESO… I don’t know what it is about Easter Eggs, but I like ’em. No, I’m not talking about the chocolate creme-filled eggs popular this time of year (though they are very…

ESO State of the Game Address

ESO State Of The Game Address Is Reassuring

An ESO State of the Game Address was recently given by Matt Firor, Game Director of The Elder Scrolls Online. The Address was originally published on the ESO forums here. The Address covers a lot of ground, including the efforts…

project skywind

More Good News From Project Skywind

There’s more good news from the project Skywind camp. A second video titled The Making of Skywind II has been released. Skywind is the ambitious project currently underway by a group of dedicated modders working to rebuild the world of…

Skyrim Magic The Gathering Cards

Skyrim Magic The Gathering Cards

Skyrim Magic The Gathering cards are another brilliant fan creation… Let me say right away that I’m not really into the whole collectible card thing. Besides a short stint buying Pokemon cards for my daughter at our local comic book…

M'aiq the Liar

The Many Faces of M’aiq The Liar

So who exactly is M’aiq the Liar? If you’re familiar with The Elder Scrolls franchise, you’ve more than likely run across M’aiq the Liar at one time or another, a wayfaring Khajiit with a penchant for small talk. Depending on…