Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

Mobius Final Fantasy Review

Ah Final Fantasy games, where would I be without them? Well, technically probably in a better job, seeing as the release of Final Fantasy VII coincided right with the studying for my exams. Studying never stood a chance. Anyway, Final…

Elder Scrolls Legends Header

Elder Scrolls Legends Beta Review

Right, for everyone who may have been living under a rock for a few months, Bethesda are releasing an online collectible card game based on the popular Elder Scrolls franchise. I played it through the Closed Beta and now we’re…

Overwatch World Cup 2016

Overwatch World Cup Announced

So, I’m currently trundling my way embarrassingly through the competitive matches of Overwatch (2 out of 7 anyone L ) Despite this, I’m still loving the game. Sure the shine has come off a little bit and the gaps between…

Life is Strange Header

Life is Strange Review

Firstly, I’ll say this right off the bat, but Life is Strange is quite an old game now. It was released in January 2015, which is over 18 months old. In gaming terms this game should be looking wistfully out…

Team Fortress 2 – Matchmaking Patch Update

Valves latest Team Fortress 2 update brought the new matchmaking functionality into the popular team first person shooter. Although, the patch that brought this new method of forming a team, brought along with it a number of problems that Valve…

Batman Arkham Underworld Review

I have been a massive fan of the entire Batman Arkham series of games since I confidently escorted the Joker to his new ‘home’ in Arkham Asylum. Well, the first game to take the Arkham franchise to mobile devices Batman…

Overwatch new Hero announced sniper healer ana

New Overwatch Hero Ana Amari Announced

So, no sooner had I written this rumour piece about how the new sniper support hero in Blizzards Overwatch would be a character named Sombra, and all the hidden messages dotted around here and there, when Blizzard only go and…

New Sniper Support Hero Overwatch Rumours

Overwatch has been out now for two months and despite its success, Blizzard are not resting on their laurels, with rumours of a new Sniper Support hero circulating the internet. Details are a little sketchy as they tend to be…

Overwatch Competitve Play Announced Header

Overwatch Competitive Play Announced

A few days ago Blizzard Entertainment released their latest mode for those Overwatch players who like to play a little harder, Competitive Play. In short competitive mode is a way of ranking the players in terms of skill (or at…

5 Insanely Important Overwatch Tips

5 Insanely Important Overwatch Tips

Overwatch, the Blizzard Entertainment First Person Shooter has really captured my attention. There’s a review here which only starts to show you how much I like it. Now, even though it’s a game you can dive straight in and play,…